
Thursday, May 12, 2011


Oh, driving. Such an easy task, don't you think? At first, while I was learning, I was terrified to drive! I hated it and had no interest in ever getting my license. After being pushed so much and, eventually, getting my license, I was happy I did. I didn't have to depend on my sister, who often said no, to take me places. I could also visit friends whenever I felt like it! But with driving comes some other bad things. Like ROAD RAGE.

Road rage is a serious thing. I see people with it all the time. While I don't see myself as having road rage, I see myself as potentially developing it. There are many things that make me absolutely crazy while driving. The major thing is when the person in front of me does not go the speed limit! Another is when I get cut off. I also hate it when people ride my bumper while driving. That and the speed limit issue set me off the most.

It is what it is, though, and I'll just have to deal with it! Oh well.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog #2

It is always fun to sit outside on a hot summer day, the bright sun shining on you, you cooling yourself off with a nice Kool-Aid Jammer! These little drinks, probably made for kids, are absolutely amazing. I love to drink them whenever and wherever. My current one, that I am drinking right now, is orange flavored! I like to test them all, even though I'd prefer others over some. Although orange isn't my favorite, I definitely like it a lot.

I am also a big fan of drinking Iced Tea. It's very sweet, and it's also very cooling to me in the summer. When I am laying out, I prefer Iced Tea to drink. My mother keeps it around all the time in the summer, but rarely in the winter, because I'd much rather have milk in the winter. Milk is also one of my favorite drinks.

There are so many drinks out there, but things to me being a "picky eater", I prefer only a few. I dislike drinks like water, soda, energy drinks, coffee, apple juice, and others!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I have one problem with books. They are never funny! Hey, don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore reading books, especially ones that I can relate to, but every once in a while, I'd like to just read a book that will make me laugh, even in public. I'd like to just be sitting in a library, reading a good book, and just laugh out loud, causing everyone to stare at me! That just never happens, though. There are some "comedies" out there, but they never truely make me laugh. I hope that someone will some day write a book that will make me laugh hysterically! Maybe I'm in need of some "book broadening", meaning I shall expand my taste on books and try many more. There has to be that special one out there somewhere!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog blog blog

I am definitely out of things to blog about. Seriously, who wants to read a blog about not having something to write a blog about? :) Since I am required to write it, it will be written. Our poetry books were due today. I felt like I had to scrape together many unfinished things to make it all come together. It isn't what I had wanted as the final product, but I guess it will do. I wasn't fully done with my slam poem, so I hope to revise it before saying it for that grade after Spring Break. I wanted it to be filled with emotions, but at this point.... IT ISN'T! I also am behind on blogging. I have to go back and make up the ones I have missed as soon as I find out the topics on them. My grades are really low from missing two weeks in all classes. I wish I could raise them all back up, but I can't. It is what it is, I guess....

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So I finally received my dream pet, a Sun Conure, and her name is Echo! She is absolutely brilliant, can speak a few words, plays basketball (her own mini version) and dances. She's so full of personality, that I spend most of my time trying to guess what she will do next, but with little success. She is, of course, extremely loud. She likes to be in conversations, so she squaks when others are talking.
Echo is still a baby, only 8 months old, and is just finally having her first molting (losing her feathers and growing new ones). Me, being her owner, I am required to make sure that the feathers grow in correctly and that, when it is time, her wings get clipped so she cannot hurt herself. At first, I was against wing clipping. I thought it was sort of painful for a bird, but after I learn that it does no harm and that I can even do it myself, I decided it was for the best.

Echo has a brilliant pattern to her. That my be because she still has her baby feathers, but I love it. I don't want to see her grow up :(. It'll be devastating when she passes away in 30 years or so.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, Egypt.

PYRAMIDS! is the first thing I think of when someone says Egypt. I do not think of the current happenings occuring there. Do you want to know why I don't think of them? 1) I do not care. 2) I do not watch the news. In my opinion, the news only shares the sad, unfortunate stories, so I don't like to read about them or watch them.

I have heard very little about Egypt. Some of my friends have shared few facts on it, but I always cut them off because I don't care. There is a big change going on in Egypt, the citizens overthrowing and trying to take charge and change who is in charge (the president). I hope they achieve what they set out to do (if it is right) and I hope it happens to benefit us all.

I have heard that many people in Egypt have gotten hurt because of the protests. I hope that isn't true, and if it is, I disagree with the protests. Anything that hurts innocent people in any situation is not right. It needs to either be handled correctly or it needs to stop.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sun Conure

Could you imagine owning a beautiful, colorful bird? One that can be trained easily, speak, and is SUPER playful? Yeah, I know, it'd be absolutely amazing! I have found this bird, a sun conure, located at a certain store (that I'm not going to tell anyone!) that I have absolutely fell in love with! He is so gorgeous and I have named him Echo. I visit him so much that he even knows who I am! The only problem is is that Echo costs a lot of money. A LOT. Echo alone is six hundred dollars and the cage is about three hundred dollars. Once you put those two, the food, the toys, and other accessories, Echo would cost about one thousand dollars! But I absolutely love Echo and will save up as quick as I can to get this adorable bird.

So here is some information on Sun Conures:
Sun Conures typically live for 25-30 years if they are treated properly. The area that I am aware that they come from is Brazil. Sun Conures are super playful and extremely loud. If they feel neglected, they'll let you know. They are very colorful, usually not maturing until they are around a year old (that's when they get the colorful feathers). They are very messy and like to eat fresh fruit everyday. Sun Conures are a type of parrot, so, yes, they are able to be trained to speak some words. They are also very messy, but can also be potty trained! They are awesome at learing tricks and, if taught, can whistle to certain songs! The size of Sun Conures is 10-15 inches in length. They also have to be given baths 2-3 times a week, which can end up being a lot.

I'm sure if you Googled Sun Conures, you could find out a lot more about them if you are interested. They are absolutely amazing birds. I can't wait to bring mine home.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Winter Wonderland... NOT

"Walking in a winter wonderland..." Such a famous song many seem to know and sing throughout the winter season. In all reality, though, Ohio is NOT a winter wonderland. The winters here are just too long and so mischevious. By that I mean that you don't know what to expect, and something is always lurking around the corner (weather wise), ready to attack you! Snow is beautiful, and ice even more, but it is just a big pain. Yes, we get to sled and miss school, but this snow and cold just never goes away! I am a fan of summer and of warmth, so you can see why I do not enjoy winter. Maybe it'd be better if it was a season that only lasted a month, but, to me, it just seems to drag on and on.

Anywho, as winter continues on, I'll find my warmth by staying indoors. I'll continue to ATTEMPT to appreciate winter's beauty, but deep down, I'll continue to want a nice warm hug from summer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Joy to the Ears

Ah, music. It's something almost everyone enjoys. There are SO many types out there and that may be the reason why everyone takes time to let their ears experience such intense joy. Music is its own little bundle of celebration. It's accepted everywhere and is something that will probably never go away. I, personally, have a high liking of music. I love to listen and I love to make music. No, I don't sing. My voice isn't good at all. Instead, I took up playing an instrument, or two.

I started playing the clarinet in the sixth grade. I wasn't very good at all, of course, but it didn't take long for me to develop a talent. I loved the sound that came out it. It was beautiful, not too high and not too low. It seemed so magical to me so I continued to play it in the band until I finished the eighth grade. I was sad when I had to stop, but it was required. Over the time that I had been playing the clarinet, I had developed a, supposedly common, skin disease. The clarinet was making my skin disease act up, from how you were required to play the clarinet, and I had to quit. It was devastating.

I'm fine not playing the clarinet now, but of course I still miss it and wish I could have been in the high school band. I think I'm better off just finding an instrument where only your hands are required, like a guitar or the drums!... Maybe.