
Friday, February 4, 2011

A Winter Wonderland... NOT

"Walking in a winter wonderland..." Such a famous song many seem to know and sing throughout the winter season. In all reality, though, Ohio is NOT a winter wonderland. The winters here are just too long and so mischevious. By that I mean that you don't know what to expect, and something is always lurking around the corner (weather wise), ready to attack you! Snow is beautiful, and ice even more, but it is just a big pain. Yes, we get to sled and miss school, but this snow and cold just never goes away! I am a fan of summer and of warmth, so you can see why I do not enjoy winter. Maybe it'd be better if it was a season that only lasted a month, but, to me, it just seems to drag on and on.

Anywho, as winter continues on, I'll find my warmth by staying indoors. I'll continue to ATTEMPT to appreciate winter's beauty, but deep down, I'll continue to want a nice warm hug from summer.

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